Showing posts with label fake walmart blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fake walmart blogs. Show all posts

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Bharti Walmart India - False Blogs By Hired Hand

Bharti Walmart India has used their own workforce to write positive blogs for themselves so that they can have some positive reviews for themselves in the world. This is the method they have used to create massive "Confusion" in the world which has been created to warp the minds of the people. They have used this technique in many areas, and this is one of them. They have suppressed the truth using the power of confusion, and Ambiguity so that the truth is perpetually suppressed form the eyes of the people. This way they will walk into a trap that has been set up for them, and they will have absolutely no way out any more. This is the amazing labyrinth that has been created for them, and the people are being destroyed without even their knowledge. 

Bharti Walmart India depends on those people who are weak willed, and prefer to take the easy way out every time. This has allowed such companies to manipulate such people for all of their lives, and they continue to be their slaves because they just cannot see any other way out for themselves. This is an amazing trap no doubt, but it is built to destroy human lives for personal profit. Such a warped system that destroys a number of lives for generations to come has to be destroyed before the people of the world are completely destroyed because of their own ignorance.

Ignorance is not always bliss.

Bharti Walmart India