Showing posts with label walmart mumbai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walmart mumbai. Show all posts

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Deception as weapon in the Court of Law

The best way to win a case in the court of law is to create slick deception which would perpetually put the opponent in a loop which cannot be broken easily. This is the greatest method used by the zealots to destroy any opposition against them, and they have been doing this for generations around the planet. This force of evil has taken a whole new form of evil corporations like Bharti Walmart India which is built on the system of infinite greed. They are sourcing all of their goods from enslaved China that has been corrupted with communism which suppresses all forms of spiritual knowledge to make the people weak. Today, all the common people of china are being used as cheap labor after they were suppressed by the British East India company. They have been destroyed completely for generations, and now they have become perpetual slaves of the zealots who intend to use them till the end of time. 

Bharti Walmart India